The Digi Consult, together with its member companies, is committed to continuous improvement under ISO 14001. To enhance employee understanding and awareness of environmental issues we are pursuing a wide range of initiatives and undertaking environmental protection activities as a group.
Eco-cards displaying our Environmental Policies and group targets are distributed throughout the group. We have employees write in their own departments’ targets and keep the cards with them to enhance their awareness of the group’s environmental efforts.
Environmental Education
In Digi Consult we are dedicated to providing environmental education to ensure that each employee fully understands the meaning and purpose of Digi Consult’s environmental activities and the ISO 14001 environmental management standards, and to enhance their awareness of environmental issues.
Each year we offer a variety of online courses*-environmental basics, a course for environmental managers and advocates, and a course for waste-disposal supervisors-as well as training for internal auditors and training geared to each workplace.
We are working especially hard to raise environmental awareness and further improve activities throughout the group by offering general environmental training at partner firms and group companies that have not received ISO 14001 certification.
*Digi Consult uses its online e-Learning System for a wide range of educational purposes and thereby reduces environmental impacts by curtailing the movement of people and paper consumption during the training process. In fiscal 2007 this system yielded a CO2 reduction benefit of 2,600 tons (98%).
Involvement in Volunteer Community Activities
The Digi Consult stays involved in environmental protection at the community level in a variety of ways, including participation in volunteer community cleanup and forest-conservation projects. In 2008 we participated in “Tokyo Greenship Action” a volunteer forest-conservation program sponsored by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. Nature hikes and hands-on activities like thinning trees and trimming undergrowth allowed employees to get in touch with nature and reaffirm the importance of protecting the environment.